Quote of the Day

The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Nerd Alert #5 (Christmas Edition) - Skottie Young. Check It.

These are some samples from artist Skottie Young. He has a very unique and awesome style. I highly recommend checking out all his Wizard of Oz graphic novels, where he really showcases how amazing his artwork is.

Yeah that's Howard the Duck in there. Miss watching that movie....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Toys aren't as cool as they were back in the day....

So I'm hanging out with this awesome girl I'm currently dating and we head into a Toys r' Us. Why you ask? Because we're awesome. Pay attention. Anyway, so were in there in the first thing that we see was the Magic 8 Ball. The Magic 8 Ball, a treasured classic for every kid who grew up in the early 90's (late 80's as well? When was that invented again?). What do the kids have today though? A Magic 8 Ball that gives you answers in that abbreviated text shit that people use in text messages (duh!). I mean why ruin a classic toy? I mean come on! Then I come to find out that kids have the option of buying Home Depot toys. Yes, Home Depot, you know the place where you hated to go to with your dad when you were younger (yeah I work there, but that's irrelevant right now). I will say the weed trimmer is pretty cool because it loud and there's tiny nerf balls where the trimmer usually is  (yes, I was given a valid argument for justifying the toy), but everything else was just lame. Worst of all, however, was probably the dumbest toy I've ever encountered in my entire life. It's this toy called Hexbug. I don't know the point of the toy other than it's supposed to move around like a bug which is fucking retarded. If you think about it if your kid actually partakes in collecting these things aren't you subliminally telling your kid it's okay to have bugs in the house and them crawling around can be fun and accepted? I feel like this toy is aspiring kids to have their houses be like that movie Joe's Apartment. Hey! Just never get your house fumigated and let the bugs hang around. It's cool. You can be the Ace Ventura of bugs! Make your house one big Ant Farm, but you know, not just segregated to ants. Yippee! What the hell happened to acceptable toys like Lite Brite, Creepy Crawlers, Teddy Ruxpin, and Micro Machines?
I agree with you Lite Brite. Hexbugs? What are you? What is your purpose?!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Put a Bumper Sticker on your car. You Know, If you don't want any friends...

There's really nothing to elaborate on. Just read the title and you should be able to figure it out. Nobody gives a shit about your political or religious views, what cause your fighting for, if you like bikes and want to share the road with people, how proud you are of your honor roll student, or some generic comment or phrase you found at hot topics. All we want is for you to get out of our damn way and not drive 5 miles under the speed limit on the interstate while driving in the fast lane. Actually, NOBODY EVER WANTS TO READ THIS SHIT IN ANY SITUATION!!! Get over yourselves. Your voice means nothing!

Yeah I know it's a bumper sticker, but at least it's not on my car.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Jukebox #11 - Let's Chill Out

In a Chill Mood this week and there's nothing better than a great relaxing album. Here are a few recommendations

Mason Jennings - The Flood
Freelance Whales - Weathervanes
She & Him - Volumes 1 & 2
Aloe Blacc - Good Things
Band of Horses - Infinite Arms
Belle and Sebastian - Tiger Milk & If You're Feeling Sinister
Home Video - The Automatic Process
Boards of Canada - Music Has the Right to Children
Mum - Finally We Are No One
Stars - In the Bedroom After the War
Young Galaxy - Young Galaxy
Appleseed Cast - Low Level Owl Vol. 1
M83 - Before the Dawn Heals Us
Maps - We Can Create
Rufus Wainwright - Poses
Explosions in the Sky - All Their Albums.

People With B.O. = Close Talkers

What's with contractor's or any homeless looking people who go out in public stinking into high hell. I mean really? I can understand if you took a shower the night before and not the next morning because you're going to be nasty at the end of the day anyway, but, and a huge but, can you not put some damn deodorant on? Did we learn nothing from Seinfeld? We've all seen the b.o. in the car episode right (if you haven't then put yourself in time out for the rest of your life)? Everyone knows how awful a smell that is, I mean shit, it's worse than a damn fart some of the time. The mind boggles at the task of trying to comprehend what makes someone go out in public and willing smell like this. Alas, this is not what this post is about. This post is to serve as a warning and to educate. What I mean by that is if you find yourself by someone and they're reeking like they just got done being shit on by a bunch dogs, then run away. Don't worry about offending the person when you do this either. They made their choice and the repercussions that come with it when they decided to forget all sense of hygiene.  I say this because if you get stuck in their smelly tractor beam then they will talk to you! Why is this bad you ask? Because they're the worst talkers of all! CLOSE TALKERS! You know the type of people that get right up in your personal space. Not only will you take on the full force of their stench, but you have to listen to their worthless and sometimes creepy sounding conversation. Which, I guess I'll be nice even though they don't deserve it, isn't there fault. I think the stench just makes them come off that way. Plus dressing like you're a cast member from the Devil's Rejects doesn't help either. Still doesn't excuse the awful smell that will ruin any sense of happiness you were having that minute before they approached you. So you've all been warned! Beware of the Stench!