Quote of the Day

The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Nerd Alert #13 - Rick Remender = Awesome

Rick Remender is currently writing for Marvel and Image. He's an awesome writer. He has a mix of Grant Morrison, Jason Aaron, Brian Azzarello and I'll throw Geoff Johns in just for the sake of how he just gets all his characters voice and has great way of connecting continuity with new and interesting ideas and just make them work incredibly well. I've only read is Marvel work (most of it), so this is what this post will focus on. I do plan on checking out his book Fear Agent which I hear is amazing.

On a side note, while I was typing this I saw a trailer for Jobs and have to ask, "Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to cast Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs?"

The Punisher: Dark Reign, Dead End, Franken-Castle, and In the Blood

Rick Remender first started with co-writing with Matt Fraction on Punisher War Journal, but fuck that book, Remender's run for me started with volume 8 issue 1. Dark Reign had taken hold on all of Marvel's books and Norman Osborn was the new Nick Fury. The Punisher takes it upon himself to wipe out Osborn and his H.A.M.M.E.R. organization. The first act of the run involves Frank against the Hood and Osborn and Wolverine's bad guy son Daken. The second act of the run explains the photo that you see above which is the Franken-castle story. Yes it sounds silly, but Remender makes immensely entertaining and a must read. The third and final act leads to an intense confrontation between Frank and Hammerhead. The run is great even if you aren't a big Punisher fan. It takes chances and tries to new and original things with the Punisher. And it succeeds.

Venom: By Remender v. 1, Spider-Island, Circle of Four, The Savage Six

So Venom.... great Spidey villain, but never cared for any of his mini-series or his regular series. This new volume takes a new spin on Venom. In Remender's book (spinning out of Amazing Spider-man) has Flash Thompson (Spidey's biggest fan and an Iraq war hero who lost his legs saving his platoon) has been recruited by the government to be part of secret black ops devision where Thompson wears the venom symbiote to go on missions for the military. This book really does a great job with Thompson with making a hero to root for, specially when Jack-o-Lantern gets involved in his life and pushes him to his limits. Like most of Remender's books supernatural elements get brought in with the Circle of Four story arc and the explosive conclusion of his run with, Savage Six. Definitely a must read and puts a great new light on Flash Thompson.

Uncanny X-Force: The Apocalypse Solution, Deathlok Nation, The Dark Angel Saga v. 1 & 2, Otherworld, Final Execution v. 1 & 2

Uncanny X-Force is Rick Remender's masterpiece. Starring a clandestine assassin squad led by Wolverine, whose mission is to eliminate any threats to mutants and the entire world permanently. Not only is this a massive epic story arc, but it really examines what people are really to go to save the world and if it's worth the cost of their soul or their convictions. Each member of the team goes through these dilemmas and wondering if killing is the only answer they have to protecting the world. Every character has challenging moments in this series and everyone is changed by the events of the book.

Secret Avengers: By Rick Remender v. 1, 2, 3

The Avengers version of Uncanny X-Force, cept you know, minus all the killing. Remender's run picks the plot thread from the previous writers involving Nick Fury's rogue Life Model Decoy drone (which wasn't that interesting) and takes into a more interesting direction by picking up a plot thread from the Deathlok Nation story arc from Uncanny X-Force. The books uses Hawkeye great as the team leader and his banter with Captain Britain. Also the character development he does with Valkyrie, Ant-Man and the original Human Torch are fantastic.

Uncanny Avengers: The Red Shadow, Ragnarok Now

Uncanny Avengers is the flagship book of Marvel's Marvel Now initiative and the follow-up to Uncanny X-Force and Avengers vs X-Men. The book is about uniting Humans and Mutants into a peaceful co-existince. Professor X is dead as a result of Avengers vs X-Men by a Dark Phoenix possessed Cyclops. Now members of the Avengers and the X-Men come together to be part of the Avengers Unity Squad and try to co-exists with each other. This is one of his Current series along with Captain America and you tell by the first issue that Remender is building an epic to rival Uncanny X-Force. Featuring the Red Skull, Apocalypse and Kang the Conqueror, this series takes what's great about both franchises and makes for an amazing read.

Captain America: Castaway in Dimension Z v. 1 & 2

Captain America in a truly entertaining dystopian sci-fi epic. In the vein of Mad Max, Escape from New York, and hell, I'll throw in Dune as well, this story literally pushes Cap to his limits and leaves lasting repercussions for him as well. From you Cap getting a son and the all out war, both physical and psychological, against Arnim Zola this story will literally leave you wanting more and this is just the story arc of Remender's run!

Merging onto the highway... Apparently a difficult thing to do for people in Atlanta.

So as you can guess from the post I live close to Atlanta (used to live in the city) and anyone in the city or outside the city can relate to this rant. I may not live in the city, but I work there and I'm usually down there for social purposes anyway and one of the many annoying things that happens down there (which there are many) is people's inability to merge onto the highway. I don't know how this is so difficult for people to do. I mean you either get the assholes who are riding your ass even though you're going the right speed to merge or you get the assholes that make you the asshole that's riding their ass cuz they think driving 35 mph to merge on the highway is an intelligent thing to do! Now let's get to my favorite part! The oncoming traffic! I get if all the lanes are busy and you have to slow down to merge since it's a busy time of day, but when there are like maybe 3 other cars on the highway and I'm trying to merge onto the lane and the car next to me can't figure out that he should be considerate and move a lane over (when said lane is completely open) so I can make a smooth merge without slowing down and then doesn't really pisses me off. And that guy is probably the moron sitting at home wondering why there are so many accidents in Georgia. For those not in the know, Georgia probably has the worst drivers in America. I mean everything I bitching about is basic driver's ed material that fuckers should know how to do. When people get their license merging and driving on the highway should be apart of the test. It would really help eliminate all of the dumb drivers in the world and make those idiots focus on becoming better drivers when they retake their tests. Also it would force those girls you're friends with who are afraid to drive on the interstate and try to avoid it by taking a round about back roads in the city (which in Atlanta is impossible, because of ever designed the city was high or drunk because the roads go in every which direction unless you eventually find Spring Street that will take you to your salvation which is 75).

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Movie Box #5: Best and Worst I've seen so far this year.

So the Summer movie season is almost over as July is starting and the majority of the big blockbuster movies have come out already and also it's given some time for my lazy ass to catch up on movies I may have missed last year (tragic I know). So anyway so begins my best and worst list of movies where I get to act like an obnoxious, pretentious douche critic! Enjoy!


Man of Steel: Yeah I know that this has been 50/50 with movie critics, mainstream audiences and most importantly the comic geeks, I fall with the geeks (you can tell if you read this blog (which I'm sure is barely a handful)) and I thought the movie was amazing. Yes it's a darker take on the Superman and realistic in the First Contact sci-fi movie type of way, but I really thought the cast was great. Some of the choices Clark made in the movie I thought helped with his character development. There definitely could of been more development, but I'll wait for that in the sequel. All I've wanted since I was kid is to see Superman in action and not stoping some stupid land development schemes. And the ending? I was shocked at first, but was okay with it after you saw Superman's reaction to what he was forced to do. So all in all one of my favorite movies of the summer.

This is the End: Fucking hilarious is all I really have to say about this. It got a little slow towards the end, but definitely had a lot memorable scenes and lines to quote. Danny Mcbride, Michael Cera and James Franco were I think the highlights of the movie. Everyone should watch this and if your wife or girlfriend aren't to fond for this type of humor they'll enjoy the surprise at the end.

Star Trek: Into Darkness: I'm a Star Wars guy hand down. Star Trek wise, I did enjoy the Next Generation cast. Movies, though, I didn't become a fan until the J.J. Abrams movie. Traditional Trekkie fans I've heard hated this movie, but screw them. I thought it was awesome. Definitely a must see.

Silver Lining Playbook: I everyone's seen this and know it's great.

If you plan on having a Red Box or Netflix type of Night:

The Inbetweeners Movie: If you enjoy the BBC show, you'll enjoy this. Will always cracks me up.

Seven Psychopaths: Not as laugh out loud funny as the trailer tried to advertise it as, but was surprisingly decent. It's definitely a different type of movie and not everyone will get it or enjoy, but I would still recommend it. Sam Rockwell is great in it.

21 & Over: Was definitely surprised I enjoyed this. I thought it was going to suck since other then the first Hangover movie, the people involved with that movie and all their movies after the first have completely sucked. This movie however actually delivered on some decent laughs with a predictable ending that usually comes with these type of movies.

Turn Your Brain off and Enjoy Movie of the Month

A Good Day to Die Hard: It's John McClane killing terrorists. That's all the story you need. 

Disappointing Movies

Side Effects: Yet another case of don't trust critics. Had some surprise twists, but ultimately I never really gave a shit about what was happening to these characters. I rooted for Jude Law to come out on top, but most of the movie my girlfriend and I treated it as an opportunity to have our own Mystery Science Theater segment. True Story.

Iron Man 3: Felt too much like a Disney PG-13 movie like Pirates and Prince of Persia. While I enjoyed some of the jokes in this as well as the Avengers. I feel the marvel movies try to hard to appeal to everyone and not take chances with their movies and push the envelope with maybe adding darker elements or committing fully to different type of genres (Captain America didn't feel like a period piece to me). So I thought this movie in particular was being hyped as Dark Knight type of movie with Iron Man fighting his Joker level enemy and completely fucked up the opportunity. They really just treated this movie as a way to make a satire of the one of the greatest comic book movies ever and try to continue a trend of comedy that started with Avengers and over use it in this one. Was really disappointed in this movie. Could of been a lot better.

Worst Movies:

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
Jake Reacher
Identity Theft
This is 40
After Earth

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Nerd Alert #12: End of an Era... 9 years of Green Lantern....

So last week, May 22nd, Geoff Johns' Green Lantern epic came to a close. 9 years of story finally came to a close and it was absolutely incredible. Now up until 2004 I was never really a big lantern fan. I liked Kyle Rayner, mainly because of Morrison's JLA, but never was able to get interested in his title. Then the Rebirth mini-series was announced. It had Ethan Van Sciver on art which drew my attention, because I loved the issues he drew in New X-Men, and it had Geoff Johns writing. I was already a fan Johns' work on Teen Titans and Flash so I was hoping this would be good. Now I didn't really grow up with Hal Jordan as Green Lantern. When I started reading comics he soon after went nuts and became the villain Parallax. So I wasn't all that excited that the series' main purpose was to bring Hal Jordan back from the dead and make him a Green Lantern again. How wrong I was. Instead of following the cliche route of having Kyle Rayner get killed off so Hal could return, Johns' opted to design the series as a rebirth to Lantern Mythos as much a of rebirth for Hal. Johns' Green Lantern epic is the only reason I'm a huge fan Green Lantern. Everything he built along with the writers and artists he collaborated with on the main Lantern book and the spin off titles that later were released are pretty much everything you would want in an epic. It has everything. Drama, violence, sci-fi, and moral philosophical clashes. The central theme of the entire run was overcoming fear, which is what Hal Jordan is all about. Which is why Hal Jordan became such a great and relatable hero in a post 9-11 world. What Johns' also ushered in was the emergence of Sinestro as a one note villain to one of the most compelling characters that you'll ever read and move him into the upper echelon of DC villains with the likes of Lex Luthor and The Joker. Johns' run is constructed similar to the Star Wars saga in sense of, if you're normal, you'd watch the OG trilogy first then the prequel last. Rebirth was Johns' New Hope, Sinestro Corps War was his Empire Strikes Back and Blackest Night was his Return of the Jedi. These three story arcs (actually events) are the highlights of the run. You have the creation of the other lantern corps, the emotional spectrum, Black Hand and Nekron becoming big name villains instead of jokes, and the fact Green Lantern now had is own family of books and carried a Summer Event crossover which was usually designated to Superman, Batman and the Justice League. After Blackest Night the book transitioned to Brightest Day which became it's own series while the Green Lantern books did their own thing and began the next trilogy of the events that which would eventually lead to the finale. In this time we saw Sinestro become a Green Lantern again and the book became an awesome dysfunctional buddy cop movie with Hal and Sinestro. Which really showed the great dynamic between these two characters and made the book even better than it already was. As the book began leading to the final two big story arcs within the family of titles Johns' took Hal and Sinestro off the board temporarily and introduce a new Muslim Lantern named Simon Baz who became just as interesting as the other earth lanterns. At the end of the day though everything Johns added change the mythos and made the character live up to the sci-fi standards a book like this should have. With the corruption of the Guardians, the different lantern corps, all the new characters that were introduced, the white lantern, and the reinvention of villains this run will be remembered as one of the greatest runs in comics. Even though the movie fell short this run is the reason why we had that movie, a video game, two animated movies and an animated series. That's all owed to Geoff Johns and the creators that helped with this epic for the last nine years. So do yourself a favor an read it!
Graphic Novel Reading Order
Green Lantern: Rebirth, No Fear, Revenge of the Green Lanterns, Wanted: Hal Jordan, Sinestro Corps War, Secret Origin, Rage of the Red Lanterns, Agent Orange, Blackest Night, Blackest Night: Green Lantern, Brightest Day, War of the Green Lanterns, Sinestro, Revenge of Black Hand, The End

Green Lantern Corps: Recharge, To be a Lantern, The Dark Side of Green, Ring Quest, Sins of the Star Sapphires, Emerald Eclipse, Blackest Night: GLC, Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns, The Weaponer, War of the Green Lanterns Aftermath, Fearsome, Alpha War, Willpower

Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors 

Green Lantern New Guardians: The Ring Bearer, Beyond Hope, Love & Death

Red Lanterns: Blood and Rage, Death of the Red Lanterns, Rise of the Third Army

So this is how Skynet takes over.... Smartphones.

So like the majority of the people of the world I have a smartphone. As much as I love my phone I can't help but notice they are making us dumber. One I look like a fucking zombie. I can sit in a room with people and the majority of the time I'm in that room we're all on our phones looking at stupid shit, majority of the time aren't emails or text messages. All sense of a normal social atmosphere has slowly started to die in our society. Plus since you can find everything on the internet on our phone apparently all knowledge and common sense goes out the window. I saw this one dumb ass looking for a light bulb. Instead of being intelligent and bringing said light bulb to the store with him he takes a picture of bulb still in the fixture and shows that picture trying to find the correct bulb. Then looks shocked that he should know what the wattage is. Had to hold back my rage and not punch this stupid jackass in the face. What's even better is when these idiots are talking to you, but can't take their eyes away from their
phone and be respectful and look you in the eye. Worst yet are the over 40 crowd who buy smart phones. It's bad enough that they get dumber as they get older, even though they still think they're always right and will argue with you till you get tired of arguing and let them win, but now they have smartphones! It's always sadly hilarious watching these people try to use their phone and fail miserable trying to figure out technology. And don't get me started on the text messaging! I'm guilty of it also, but at least I try to fix the problem by trying to improve my grammar in the messages and make it convey that I'm educated and not coasting on a GED or a high school drop out. This generations of teenagers are going to turn out to be the dumbest, laziest, and just all around shit people will ever see. If whatever percentage of you think that were fucked as country with the Obama administration, then just imagine how bad it will be when these fuckers grow up and join the real world. *shudder*