Quote of the Day

The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Movie Box #5: Best and Worst I've seen so far this year.

So the Summer movie season is almost over as July is starting and the majority of the big blockbuster movies have come out already and also it's given some time for my lazy ass to catch up on movies I may have missed last year (tragic I know). So anyway so begins my best and worst list of movies where I get to act like an obnoxious, pretentious douche critic! Enjoy!


Man of Steel: Yeah I know that this has been 50/50 with movie critics, mainstream audiences and most importantly the comic geeks, I fall with the geeks (you can tell if you read this blog (which I'm sure is barely a handful)) and I thought the movie was amazing. Yes it's a darker take on the Superman and realistic in the First Contact sci-fi movie type of way, but I really thought the cast was great. Some of the choices Clark made in the movie I thought helped with his character development. There definitely could of been more development, but I'll wait for that in the sequel. All I've wanted since I was kid is to see Superman in action and not stoping some stupid land development schemes. And the ending? I was shocked at first, but was okay with it after you saw Superman's reaction to what he was forced to do. So all in all one of my favorite movies of the summer.

This is the End: Fucking hilarious is all I really have to say about this. It got a little slow towards the end, but definitely had a lot memorable scenes and lines to quote. Danny Mcbride, Michael Cera and James Franco were I think the highlights of the movie. Everyone should watch this and if your wife or girlfriend aren't to fond for this type of humor they'll enjoy the surprise at the end.

Star Trek: Into Darkness: I'm a Star Wars guy hand down. Star Trek wise, I did enjoy the Next Generation cast. Movies, though, I didn't become a fan until the J.J. Abrams movie. Traditional Trekkie fans I've heard hated this movie, but screw them. I thought it was awesome. Definitely a must see.

Silver Lining Playbook: I everyone's seen this and know it's great.

If you plan on having a Red Box or Netflix type of Night:

The Inbetweeners Movie: If you enjoy the BBC show, you'll enjoy this. Will always cracks me up.

Seven Psychopaths: Not as laugh out loud funny as the trailer tried to advertise it as, but was surprisingly decent. It's definitely a different type of movie and not everyone will get it or enjoy, but I would still recommend it. Sam Rockwell is great in it.

21 & Over: Was definitely surprised I enjoyed this. I thought it was going to suck since other then the first Hangover movie, the people involved with that movie and all their movies after the first have completely sucked. This movie however actually delivered on some decent laughs with a predictable ending that usually comes with these type of movies.

Turn Your Brain off and Enjoy Movie of the Month

A Good Day to Die Hard: It's John McClane killing terrorists. That's all the story you need. 

Disappointing Movies

Side Effects: Yet another case of don't trust critics. Had some surprise twists, but ultimately I never really gave a shit about what was happening to these characters. I rooted for Jude Law to come out on top, but most of the movie my girlfriend and I treated it as an opportunity to have our own Mystery Science Theater segment. True Story.

Iron Man 3: Felt too much like a Disney PG-13 movie like Pirates and Prince of Persia. While I enjoyed some of the jokes in this as well as the Avengers. I feel the marvel movies try to hard to appeal to everyone and not take chances with their movies and push the envelope with maybe adding darker elements or committing fully to different type of genres (Captain America didn't feel like a period piece to me). So I thought this movie in particular was being hyped as Dark Knight type of movie with Iron Man fighting his Joker level enemy and completely fucked up the opportunity. They really just treated this movie as a way to make a satire of the one of the greatest comic book movies ever and try to continue a trend of comedy that started with Avengers and over use it in this one. Was really disappointed in this movie. Could of been a lot better.

Worst Movies:

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
Jake Reacher
Identity Theft
This is 40
After Earth

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