Quote of the Day

The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Nerd Alert #5 (Christmas Edition) - Skottie Young. Check It.

These are some samples from artist Skottie Young. He has a very unique and awesome style. I highly recommend checking out all his Wizard of Oz graphic novels, where he really showcases how amazing his artwork is.

Yeah that's Howard the Duck in there. Miss watching that movie....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Toys aren't as cool as they were back in the day....

So I'm hanging out with this awesome girl I'm currently dating and we head into a Toys r' Us. Why you ask? Because we're awesome. Pay attention. Anyway, so were in there in the first thing that we see was the Magic 8 Ball. The Magic 8 Ball, a treasured classic for every kid who grew up in the early 90's (late 80's as well? When was that invented again?). What do the kids have today though? A Magic 8 Ball that gives you answers in that abbreviated text shit that people use in text messages (duh!). I mean why ruin a classic toy? I mean come on! Then I come to find out that kids have the option of buying Home Depot toys. Yes, Home Depot, you know the place where you hated to go to with your dad when you were younger (yeah I work there, but that's irrelevant right now). I will say the weed trimmer is pretty cool because it loud and there's tiny nerf balls where the trimmer usually is  (yes, I was given a valid argument for justifying the toy), but everything else was just lame. Worst of all, however, was probably the dumbest toy I've ever encountered in my entire life. It's this toy called Hexbug. I don't know the point of the toy other than it's supposed to move around like a bug which is fucking retarded. If you think about it if your kid actually partakes in collecting these things aren't you subliminally telling your kid it's okay to have bugs in the house and them crawling around can be fun and accepted? I feel like this toy is aspiring kids to have their houses be like that movie Joe's Apartment. Hey! Just never get your house fumigated and let the bugs hang around. It's cool. You can be the Ace Ventura of bugs! Make your house one big Ant Farm, but you know, not just segregated to ants. Yippee! What the hell happened to acceptable toys like Lite Brite, Creepy Crawlers, Teddy Ruxpin, and Micro Machines?
I agree with you Lite Brite. Hexbugs? What are you? What is your purpose?!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Put a Bumper Sticker on your car. You Know, If you don't want any friends...

There's really nothing to elaborate on. Just read the title and you should be able to figure it out. Nobody gives a shit about your political or religious views, what cause your fighting for, if you like bikes and want to share the road with people, how proud you are of your honor roll student, or some generic comment or phrase you found at hot topics. All we want is for you to get out of our damn way and not drive 5 miles under the speed limit on the interstate while driving in the fast lane. Actually, NOBODY EVER WANTS TO READ THIS SHIT IN ANY SITUATION!!! Get over yourselves. Your voice means nothing!

Yeah I know it's a bumper sticker, but at least it's not on my car.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Jukebox #11 - Let's Chill Out

In a Chill Mood this week and there's nothing better than a great relaxing album. Here are a few recommendations

Mason Jennings - The Flood
Freelance Whales - Weathervanes
She & Him - Volumes 1 & 2
Aloe Blacc - Good Things
Band of Horses - Infinite Arms
Belle and Sebastian - Tiger Milk & If You're Feeling Sinister
Home Video - The Automatic Process
Boards of Canada - Music Has the Right to Children
Mum - Finally We Are No One
Stars - In the Bedroom After the War
Young Galaxy - Young Galaxy
Appleseed Cast - Low Level Owl Vol. 1
M83 - Before the Dawn Heals Us
Maps - We Can Create
Rufus Wainwright - Poses
Explosions in the Sky - All Their Albums.

People With B.O. = Close Talkers

What's with contractor's or any homeless looking people who go out in public stinking into high hell. I mean really? I can understand if you took a shower the night before and not the next morning because you're going to be nasty at the end of the day anyway, but, and a huge but, can you not put some damn deodorant on? Did we learn nothing from Seinfeld? We've all seen the b.o. in the car episode right (if you haven't then put yourself in time out for the rest of your life)? Everyone knows how awful a smell that is, I mean shit, it's worse than a damn fart some of the time. The mind boggles at the task of trying to comprehend what makes someone go out in public and willing smell like this. Alas, this is not what this post is about. This post is to serve as a warning and to educate. What I mean by that is if you find yourself by someone and they're reeking like they just got done being shit on by a bunch dogs, then run away. Don't worry about offending the person when you do this either. They made their choice and the repercussions that come with it when they decided to forget all sense of hygiene.  I say this because if you get stuck in their smelly tractor beam then they will talk to you! Why is this bad you ask? Because they're the worst talkers of all! CLOSE TALKERS! You know the type of people that get right up in your personal space. Not only will you take on the full force of their stench, but you have to listen to their worthless and sometimes creepy sounding conversation. Which, I guess I'll be nice even though they don't deserve it, isn't there fault. I think the stench just makes them come off that way. Plus dressing like you're a cast member from the Devil's Rejects doesn't help either. Still doesn't excuse the awful smell that will ruin any sense of happiness you were having that minute before they approached you. So you've all been warned! Beware of the Stench!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Movie Box #1: Movies that can be watched over and over again. And great to drink too.

Scott Pilgrim vs The World - Completely amazing and one the most original films to come out in a long time.

Kick Ass - Violent, Hilarious, and it has Hit Girl.

Harry Potter Series - Even before the last movie comes out it already is the greatest cinematic series to come out. I mean they've had all of the same actors for every damn movie. That's just an achievement in itself.

Big Lebowski - How else are you going to find out what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass?

King Arthur - Epic. Nuff Said.

The Last of the Mohicans - I'm pretty sure if you ask any guy they'll say that at some point in their life they want to have sex while listening to the main score of the movie. Think about it.

Wayne's World - Does this really need an explanation?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - DDDDAAAAAMMMMMNNNN!

And finally (for the moment) pretty much any Schwarzenegger movie, even Jingle All the Way and Kindergarden Cop.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Jukebox #10 - Most Kick Ass Albums This Year. (yeah doing the recap early)

1. Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More
2. Maserati - Pyramid of the Sun
3. Ra Ra Riot - The Orchard
4. Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Fantasy
5. Ratatat - Lp 4
6. Matt and Kim - Sidewalks
7. Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist History
8. Black Mountain - Wilderness Heart
9. Film School - Fission
10. Tokyo Police Club - Champ
11. New Politics - New Politics
12. Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns
13. Maximum Balloon - Maximum Balloon
14. The Black Keys - Brothers
15. Aloe Blacc - Good Things

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nerd Alert! #3 - Favorite Artists

Dave Johnson
Yuko Shimizu 
Frank Quietly

Nerd Alert! #2 - Recommended Storylines (collected in graphic novels) To Read..

Grant Morrison's Batman Run (and other books that add to the overall story)
This is an incredible run and one of the most original Batman epics in a very long time. New characters are introduced that become instant classics and the introduction of a historic new status quo that leads into the next stage of evolution for Batman and Morrison's (and the rest of the bat books) next big arc Batman Incorporated. The big highlights of the run is all the elements and clues that go into this epic, the amazing artists that contribute, and of course the amazing use of the Joker and how brilliantly he is written. Highly Recommended.

Batman and Son
Batman: The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul
Batman: The Black Glove
Batman: Heart of Hush
Batman R.I.P.
Final Crisis
Batman: Battle for the Cowl
Batman and Robin: Batman Reborn
Red Robin: The Grail
Batman: Life and Death
Red Robin: Collision
Batman and Robin: Batman vs Robin
Batman: Time and the Batman
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne
Batman and Robin: Batman Must Die!
The Unwritten by Mike Carey and Peter Gross
What would happen if there was a person in this world named Harry Potter? What if Potter and his world of characters were able to exist in real life? This is what the The Unwritten is about, but instead based on an Harry Potter inspired character named Tommy Taylor. The real life Tommy Taylor thinks the character is just a character his father named after him. As he comes to find that all is not what it seems and begins trying to solve the mystery of why this happening, if it's true, and the conspiracy to kill him and how his father is involved in all this. Highly Recommended.
Scalped Vol. 1 - 7 By Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera and others
Scalped is an Indian reservation meets Sopranos story, but way more awesome and darker. Scalped is about an undercover agent named Dashiell Bad Horse who gets sent back to his old reservation to work for the rez's corrupt Tribal Leader named Lincoln Red Crow. He returns when Red Crow is getting ready to open his new Casino. As the story progresses Dash's life and others in the rez start spiraling out of control to point where Dash starts questioning himself and if his assignment is even worth it. Personal grudges, crime, drugs, and corruption are a staple for this series and the character building is what makes this one of the best series out right now. Highly Recommended.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Jukebox #9 - Top Ten Albums for the week.

Since I got nothing to rant about and I'm to lazy to get right now to get to a new Nerd Alert post (which will come whether you like it or not). So.....

1. The Black Angels - Passover
2. Matt and Kim - Sidewalks
3. Maps - We Can Create
4. Athlete - Beyond the Neighborhood
5. The Offspring - Ixnay on the Hombre
6. Foo Fighters - The Colour and the Shape
7. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Pershing
8. Weezer - Pinkerton (Deluxe Edition)
9. No Age - Everything in Between
10. Cornershop - When I was Born the 7th Time

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Aren't we paying these schools to teach us?

One of the most annoying things about college is that you're paying for these classes to get an education and get a degree to help you get a better job, but they have teachers that try to make it overly difficult for you. I mean not everyone is going to easily grasp all the subjects they're learning right away. That's why we have teachers right? To help us learn the material and stay interested in the class to make us care about getting an A in the class instead of settling for a passing grade to move on with your life. That's what I think is the most annoying part because you get these type of fucking teachers that don't do any of the things I just mention in their class. The worst example of this is the teachers that come into class and just put on a damn powerpoint presentation and just start talking. My anatomy teacher did this shit. He would start lecturing without letting anyone knowing he had after our break. Worst of all he would just speed through the lecture to the point where all you're hearing is a bunch of hard to pronounce science words and wondering what the fuck is happening. Also, he's a low talker. FAIL. Really? A low talker teaching? Yes, that is right. It's like trying to learn anatomy and physiology from The Micro Machines Guy working at half speed, having a slightly higher volume level of the puffy shirt chick in Seinfeld (I could hear some words, but was there a coherent thought there? Don't know.), and the charisma level of Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Also if you ever have a teacher that comes into class with a shaved head, with thick sideburns, no beard but shaved down to a stache with handles, then make sure to laugh at him right in his face. I wish I did. I was going to make a point here, but I'm listening to Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin and it's taking the rage away. So I'll just conclude with this: I hate teachers like this and I wish I could just win the lottery and not have to worry about money or those pesky careers. Yes, I believe in Peter's dream of doing nothing.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Jukebox #8 - Top Ten Songs of the Week

1. Party and Bull Shit (Ratatat Remix) - Notorious B.I.G.
2. Young Men Dead - The Black Angels
3. John the Revelator - Curtis Stigers & The Forest Rangers
4. Snakecharming the Masses - The Stills
5. Sexting - Ludacris
6. Love is a Drug - New Politics
7. Fuck You! - Cee Lo Brown
8. Waiting for the End - Linkin Park
9. Above and Below - The Bravery
10. Dreams - Young Galaxy

Friday, October 29, 2010

Idiots and Rain..

If you ever wonder how stupid someone you know is just see how they react when they're driving and it starts to rain. Why do you ask? Rain has become the official "How fucking stupid are you" test. I say that because the true idiocy of people becomes fully apparent when it starts to rain. They start driving like they just got there got their drivers permit and drive as slow as a 90 year old in the fast lane who shouldn't be driving in the first place. The best part about these dumb ass fuckos is when it does start to rain (and I'm not talking full on heavy rain that makes you put your wipers on full blast) they immediately break like a damn tree just fell in the street. You literally start wanting these people to die just for their stupidity. If you don't then you must be a Zen Master. I don't see how any rational person sees how these people drive and don't want to ram their car into a ditch. The funniest and most road rage inducing offense is when the rain has stopped, but the road is still wet, these idiots drive on the interstate like they're driving in a fucking neighborhood!
It's incredible to me how bad people handle driving in the rain. It's like watching people devolve back to Neanderthals and seeing fire for the first time. It's just utterly pathetic. I hope these irritating jack asses go home and pray every night that we eventually get those autopilot cars they had in I Robot, Minority Report and Demolition Man. I don't care which design they go with. I just want a less annoying drive when it starts raining.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Jukebox #7 - Best New Albums today for Dealing with a nail in your tire and not being able to salvage it and having to buy a new... Whew!

Best of the Week: The Great Bertholinis - Gradual Unfolding of a Conscious Mind, Pt. 3

Still Pretty Kick Ass: The Greenhornes - ****
Young the Giant - Young the Giant
Tahiti 80 - Solitary Bizness EP
The War on Drugs - Future Weather
Pepper Rabbit - Beauregard
No Age - Everything In Between

Favorite Tracks Right Now: Carolina Liars - I'm Not Over You
The Black Keys - Tighten Up
Kings of Leon - Birthday
Neon Trees - 1983
Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home
Dexter Freebish - Do You Want To

Monday, October 25, 2010

Leave the fucking dog at home...

What's with people bringing their damn dog EVERYWHERE they fucking go? I mean seriously, do you really need to bring your dog to Costco or Home Depot? I mean, don't get me wrong, I just love driving through a parking lot and almost getting hit because some stupid bitch wants to have muffin pretend she's driving a moving vehicle. You men and women who bring your dogs with you everywhere get over your separation anxiety and leave them at home. If I ever get hit by one of these fucking idiots I'm suing the shit out of them and taking everything they own just based on principle. And I don't care if they got 8 kids. It's these idiots fault that they'll be sharing a cardboard box out on the street having to do special "favors" to get money to buy food to eat. "Sorry Mindy, it's your day for 'chores.'" You want to walk them? Then go to the park or hell, the sidewalk outside your apartment complex or your fucking neighborhood. Dogs aren't children. It's socially acceptable to leave your dogs outside in the backyard chained up till you get home. They even got dog crates they can hang out in while you're shopping. I know the wonderment of seeing your dog shitting in a retail store is just to amazing to pass up, but no one else shares your excitement. Also, what's with people buying sweaters and other clothes for their dogs? I mean halloween costumes? I'm cool with that. It's appropriate, but do you really think that your dog is excited to get some jacket that you got them for christmas or their birthday? When you're putting those things on your dog and better yet after you put the jacket on you can just look at the dog's reaction and see how miserable they're feeling. Its like giving them an apple or candy corn for halloween. Dogs get more excited when they get a chew toy or a bone. It's the equivalent of when I was six or seven and I got the Technodrome and the Turtle Blimp for Christmas. It's one of those "Best Day of my Life" moments. So, what have we learned? Leave pups at home and no doggy clothes (lame).
Yeah that's right.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wendy's. Is it the greatest fast food on earth? Fuck yeah it is!

So had some Wendy's this week (I'm good for about 2 to 3 times a week)  and after enjoying the hell out of some $1 menu sandwiches I felt compelled to go on top of a mountain and make a proclamation that Wendy's is the GREATEST fast food on the fucking planet. Why do you ask? First off it you have to ask then you're completely out of your element and have not gone out and lived and devoured this amazingness. I mean fuck, where do you start? The value meals? Nothing short of brilliance. It's got the single burgers (regular, baconator, and bacon deluxe) which are just for the pussies who count there carbs or whatever the fuck they count. The real start of the menu starts with the double cheeseburger onto the classic triple and then the greatest creation brought by man, the Baconator. I mean how can you not love the baconator? Get a double or triple and your sent off to extacy. Then it's cool younger brother the bacon deluxe is also amazing. God Bless anyone who decides that the only thing to make a hamburger more delicious is to add more bacon. Bacon, the sweet nectar of life and the curer of all problems. But it's not just the burgers that are amazing, the chicken wraps, the chicken club, and homestyle fillet are all mouth watering. Let's not forget the spicy chicken sandwich that burns so good and the countless salads, chicken nuggets and everything else they have. I could go on all day about my love of Wendy's and how it's amazing. If you're one of the lucky few who get to experience their breakfast menu, which put's everyone else's to shame, then savor it because it's not available everywhere. Which is complete bull shit. A breakfast menu that amazing should be available everywhere. It's so damn good I'm willing to drive from marietta to Buckhead or Smyrna (only two locations I know that have it) to get it. The seasoning they use in the sausage is to die for and their chicken biscuit is the equivalent of two chick filet chicken biscuits put together. It's fucking epic in size. Also the Artisan Egg Sandwich? Makes you wanna standup and beg for buttermilk. Don't believe me? Google this shit! The menu is amazing! Man, all this Wendy's talk is making me hungry, might go make for a run.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Jukebox #6 - Did you just fail an Anatomy Test? Listen to this! It brightened my day!

The Joy Formidable - I Don't Want to See You Like This - Deluxe Single
Ima Robot - Another Man's Treasure (quite the departure for them, relaxing and interesting)
Hot Panda - How Come I'm Dead
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic  Zeros - Up From Below
Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More
Kings of Leon - Come Around Sundown
Dexter Freebish - Shine On (Yeah, haven't heard from these guys since junior year of high school in '00)
The Thermals - Personal Life

HOO-FUCKIN-RAY that's some good music!
Purple Nurple. The Most Deadliest Fighting Technique

Friday, October 15, 2010

Did we learn nothing from Saving Silverman....

In 2001 a little movie came out called Saving Silverman. In the movie, three best friends were put to the test when one of the friends started going out with Amanda Peet and ended up becoming her bitch pretty much.  Anyway, she forbids him from seeing his best friends and even making him burn his Neil Diamond records (for shame!). In the end, the guys find the right girl for him (that they like) and they all find there significant others and blah blah blah. I guess the point I'm getting to is we all have friends that at some point get into a relationship, but you always have that one guy or girl who get into one of those relationships and they just decide to be totally cut off from civilization. I mean I just don't get it. Why the hell would you want to be with someone that doesn't get along with your friends? I mean do you really want to only see your friends at high school reunions or when your spouse goes on vacation? Seriously? How depressing is that? I'm not saying that you can't bring your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend and be social with your group of friends. I just don't see why these people can't just set some time like once every other week or once a month just so people know that your still fucking alive. The amazing thing about this is when they do finally go out, they're acting like Jake Gyllenhaal from Bubble Boy, like it's they're first time entering society.  Which brings me back to Saving Silverman, the movie did an extreme version of how friends react to this sort of circumstance, but there is something to learn from this. Don't become your significant others bitch. Everyone says there's supposed to be compromises in relationship (which I'm not ignorant to the fact that that's never true). All I'm saying is sometimes you don't have to do the Bed Bath and Beyond/Home Depot weekend. There's four weekends in a month it should be reasonable to set aside time for one day to do something without your spouse.  I mean, unless you're not married, you have your entire life together. All this being said though, if they got kids all this is just words (of course some people regardless might say that anyway. Eh, fuck it).

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fanny Packs. Why?

So I'm at work working on this winter reset for at Home Depot (where I work) and all of a sudden I see this guy I work with (who is clearly one of the dumbest, most useless people I've ever met, and he's like 45, and has the work ethic of a spoiled 15 year old) wearing a fanny pack. Yes a fucking fanny pack. I felt like I somehow traveled back to 1995 with Doc Brown looking back at how idiotic we all were for wearing these things and sharing a good laugh and a beer afterwards. Unfortunately, it wasn't 1995 or any year before that it was 2010 and I am seeing before my eyes a grown ass man wearing a fanny pack. I'm starting to think it's an old person thing and they're still living in the 20th Century waiting for Murder She Wrote or Fraiser to come on. Naw, fuck that. There is no excuses for someone to wear a fanny pack this day and age. I mean, really, are these people going to Six Flags or Disney World everyday? What could you possibly need so badly that wouldn't fit in your pockets? This guy at work is given a damn apron to hold shit he needs and his keys and wallet are in his pants pocket. What the hell else would you possibly need to carry a fanny pack around for? Also how could you look yourself in the mirror knowing that you willing are going to go around and where a fanny pack? It's not like you're a pro wrestler or something. Also what's up with those guys buying jeans too tight to put there damn keys and wallet in there pants? You don't see football players doing this. I mean what the hell?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Antonio Gates and Miles Austin. You've just hit the Shit list.

Well it's Sunday so anyone who's really into sports knows that today is fantasy football day. A day where we sit back, open our laptops, turn on NFL Red Zone (or Fox and CBS) and begin a lazy day of watching grown ass men beat the shit out each other up and down the field. With the ultimate goal in giving us as many points as possible so we can win, move onto the playoffs and win that large sum of money we all have contributed in. But, I'm sure in most cases today, most of us were fucked over by these two individuals: Antonio Gates and Miles Austin. I had the displeasure of taking on a good friend of mine who's a cross between Ellen Degeneres and donkey from Shrek who had both these fuckers on his team. Victory seemed to be in my sight even with a lack Wide Receiver help which eventually led to my downfall (Fuck you also Peyton Manning and Joe Flacco. Especially you Flacco, throw to Boldin more often!). So for Gates I will simply quote The League with a "I hope you get mouth cancer." I now know your pain Ruxon. For Miles Austin I hope you get multiple std's from your time with the Kardashian skank with the nice ass. Also maybe a season ending injury for you and Roy Williams so Dez Bryant will be worth drafting. Here's to better luck next weekend. Side note Laura Vandervoort is smoking hot. Like murder people to be with her type of hot.

The Jukebox #5 - Stuff to Listen to. Album(s) Day.

Best of the Bunch: New Politics - New Politics

Still Pretty Kick Ass: Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix Remixes
The xx - xx
Phantogram - Eyelid Movies
Chromeo - Fancy Footwork & Business Casual
Pete Yorn - Pete Yorn
Clinic - Bubblegum
Apache Beat - Last Chants
Aloe Blacc - Good Things
I am Arrows - Sun Comes Up Again

Favorite Tracks right now: Linkin Park - The Catalyst ("Guitarmageddon" Does it Offend You Yeah? Remix)
The Bravery - I am Your Skin
Maximum Balloon - Absent of Light
Bloc Party - Biko (Mogwai Remix)

Monday, October 4, 2010

T-Shirt + Blazer = Taken over by douchebags.

Back in 2001 I bought a corduroy blazer started wearing it usually with a collar shirt, but with a t-shirt because it was more comfortable. Anyway, wasn't doing to be stylish or cool, but mainly because no one else was doing it because apparently dressing like your father going to the golf course or causal dress day was the "cool" thing to wear. Now slowly but surely the blazer/t-shirt combo has made it's way mainstream and now it gives every pretentious douche (the worst kind, next to cops) started wearing them. You all know these fucks. The asshole that tells lame jokes, the type of jokes you get embarrassed about when your dad says them, and then does that overly exaggerated laugh that sounds so fake that it might be worthy for a razzie. They also wear all this overly price designer crap as well. And that fucking laugh, mouth just open and no laughter coming out, and it they do laugh it sounds like the dave chappelle white man skit.  Also, if it's not the obnoxious laugh then it's the fucking drive heave sounding laugh. Which just sounds completely creepy like a fucking molester. Anyway I blame these fuckers (and to extent hipsters as well. Just because hipsters are just as pretentious and suck) mainly for ruining the blazer/t-shirt combo. It's now been made only socially acceptable to wear at like theme parties or something just as random. Worst I got a fucking sweat red blazer that I love, but can't wear anymore. I mean no self respecting person wants to be associated with these type people. We're all better than that.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Delayed Reaction...

Saturday September 26th 2010. Mississippi State 24 Georgia 12. WHAT THE FUCK?! SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?

I mean I've been able to put behind the losses to Vanderbilt, Kentucky, and Colorado in the last few years. I've moved passed the embarrassment of beating Vanderbilt and then the Georgia team stomping on the v. Even the complete cringe worthy mediocrity of last season with the soulless ginger Joe Cox. I surely hoped the dark days were over.  But no, no that is not to be the case. No I already expected to have a 7-5 season. Most likely lose to Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Aurburn, possibly Georgia Tech. Then comes this disgraceful performance on Saturday night. My god, a fun drunk day of football turned into a "get blacked out drunk to make the rage go away" type of night. I truly don't even think Georgia can beat Vandi, Tennessee or Kentucky right now. Shit, I just hope we beat Colorado!
These people in this pic could be our coaching staff and team because they all look like retards right now.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Why didn't I get a week off randomly during high school?

So I'm driving around today, around 11:30 or 12, and start seeing all these high school kids just driving around in their cars. I'm thinking this is way to many kids just skipping class, especially at noon? C'mon now. I then drive by the school and see that there are no cars in the parking lot. Again, what the hell? I then find out from my sister that this is the new thing that there doing with the schools. Just giving them a week off I guess every now and then. I don't know the exact schedule, I kinda stopped listening after I heard they were doing this now and it pissed me off. For one at myself, I really need to start keeping up with what's going on in society, and second, why the fuck did I not get this when I was in school?! I mean this is complete bull shit! How many times during your 18 years of school (not counting college, obvi dummy) did you dream of just having a week off that didn't have a holiday or spring break attached to it? Well for me? All the fucking time! So not only do these little bastards get christmas, spring break, their half day wednesdays (which if they still get that then I'll lose my damn mind) or any other holiday they get a week off! I'll have to get bored enough to research it, but I actually want to know if this happens anymore in the school year. Worst of all, my school experience, minus this bull shit week off, has now aged me to the point that when I talk about how I had it in school I'll sound like my grandparents talking about there days in school. "Well back in my day....." Fucking hell, I'm 27 and now I've been forced into that type of story segue. I wasn't expecting that to happened till I was at least in my 40's or 50's. Shit!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Jukebox #4 - Top Ten of the Week

1. The Bravery - Above and Below
2. The Hundred in the Hands - Gold Blood
3. Maximum Balloon / Tunde Adebimpe - Absent of Light
4. Viva Voce - Devotion
5. The Stills - Eastern Europe
6. Fake Problems - The Magazines
7. Klaxons - Echoes
8. Ghostland Observatory - Shoot 'em Down
9. Black Mountain - The Hair Song
10. Crime in Stereo - Third Atlantic

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nerd Alert! #1 - Why Walking Dead is an amazing comic and soon to be TV series..

So on Halloween Night at 10pm if you're not drunk out of your mind at a costume party or haven't left to said party, then put on AMC (or check ondemand later if you have to) to watch what's soon to be or should be one of the best TV series ever. This show is called The Walking Dead. The brain children behind this show is Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile) and Charles H. Eglee (The Shield, Dexter) so that's one reason I'm hyping up this show. The main reason I'm hyping up this show is mainly because the graphic novel is one of the best around. The series takes a basic story that we all know and love, the zombie story, and make it a compelling and character driven story to the point where the zombies are just set pieces that you soon start to forget about as the story progresses. The transformation of all the main cast, especially Rick Grimes, is incredible. All the struggles that the cast go through are, for me, never really shown in typical zombie movies. Also all the moral dilemmas that each character is put through in this new world of zombies slowly starts to make the cast more harden sometimes barbaric in situations. The main thing that will make this an amazing series is the amount of drama, and to be blunt, the holy shit moments that happen in this comic series. There are so many holy shit moments in this series (and I'm currently 3 paperbacks behind which is killing me) that I'm worried that they won't be able to show it on AMC. HBO most definitely, but probably not AMC, which I'm really intrigued how they will pull off some of these scenes. Especially all the things that happen during the course of the cast dealing with The Governor. Which brings to another reason why this will be a amazing series, every week you will literally not know what happens next. Cast members are not safe and they will lose limbs, get infected, and die. Leading to more people coming in. In the series I'm pretty sure the main cast has changed 3 or 4 times. Anyway I'm rambling now, but do yourself a favor and be somebody and watch The Walking Dead on Oct. 31st.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Music Tuesday

Albums to purchase or download (whatever)

Klaxons - Surfing the Void
Fake Problems - Real Ghosts Caught on Tape
The Hundred in the Hands - The Hundred in the Hands
Maximum Balloon - Maximum Balloon
Margot and the Nuclear So & So's - Buzzard
Movus - Maxa FireKeeper
The Holy Sea - Ghosts on the Horizon

Monday Night Countdown.... C'mon Man!

Aaah Monday Night Football, I really want to watch the entire game but I don't really want to go to bed at 11:30 or 12. Maybe, here's a thought, shorten the amount of time wasted on pre game programming. I really don't need a SportsCenter Monday Night Kickoff then another Monday Night Countdown where I'm just going to be hearing the same thing. The only redeeming thing for the Monday Night Countdown is the C'mon Man segment. Also Chris Berman you sound like a lung cancer patient. Bad enough your on sundays (thank god Fox has a pre game show and CBS) screwing up my hangover day right in the morning since you show up out of nowhere on SportsCenter, but the fact you're still lingering around on monday is killing my soul. Also I want to punch the guy who decided to put Steve Young, Keyshawn Johnson and Trent Dilfer on TV in the face. I'm perfectly happy with TJ, Chris Carter and Ditka, but these three guys? C'mon man! Dilfer offers nothing of value except trying to figure out which player he decides to man crush all over. Keyshawn Johnson? All this guy does is justify wide receivers acting like greedy diva whores when the majority of the panel offer criticism of them acting like this. Other than that, nothing else. Which brings me to Steve Young, this guy just looks like an asshole. The type of asshole that will kick your cat and then befriend you only to go fuck your mother and sister and then key your car just for shits and giggles. I can't stand him. He's that annoying prick who always thinks he right and wants to just shove it in your face. Also, I can't possibly fathom how Matt Millen cannot go ballistic on Young when he interrupts him or makes some condescending comment after he gives his analysis or opinion. I never thought I would miss Emmitt Smith's idiotic or lack there of commentating (analysis? whatever).  Just replace these dumb dicks with Mark Schlereth, Herm Edwards, Marcellus Wiley and Wendi Nix or Suzy Kolber for Berman.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Jukebox #3 - Start the Week off of Work Right

1. Black Mountain - The Way to Go
2. Amazing Baby - Headdress
3. The Bravery - Above and Below
4. The Black Keys - Strange Times
5. Linkin Park - Robot Boy
6. The Format - Wait, Wait, Wait
7. Weezer - Ruling Me
8. Interpol - Try it On
9. Film School - Meet Around 10
10. New Young Pony Club - We Want To
11. Ghostland Observatory - Sad Sad City
12. Breathe Carolina - The Dressing Room
13. Anberlin - A Whisper & A Clamour
14. You Me at Six - Take Your Breathe Away
15. Young Galaxy - Wailing Wall
16. Wavves - Linus Spacehead
17. Riva Starr - I was Drunk
18. Foals - After Glow
19. Foreign Born - Winter Games
20. The Joy Formidable - While the Flies

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What in Hells Bells is happening?

So, just found out that Footloose is being remade. Why? Does this really need to be remade? And by the guy who directed Hustle and Flow no less! I mean is that guy really hurting for cash? I know Dennis Quaid is since he's in this movie. I mean that guys a good director and he couldn't find something better to do than remake Footloose? I mean there have been some good remakes lately, but most of them are kind of unnecessary. I mean other than Batman and Star Trek (and others I don't feel like typing out, but I'm sure you all can think of them), remakes can suck. I have a feeling this is going to be the new Bewitched and I could tell from that trailer that was going to be a big steamy pile of shit. They better have the original theme for god sake. If I have to listen to a shitty remake from some American Idol, teenage Jonas Brother, shitty emo geek than.... who knows? Probably just put on some Hall and Oates and try to make the hate go away.

Also if James Cameron really finds a network to make a True Lies TV show the world will surely end. This is the dumbest idea ever I've ever heard and will most certainly suck ass. No Schwarzenegger and Arnold? Then what's the fucking point?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Jukebox #2 - College Football Edition

Since Georgia lost today. What helps me get through the day.

1. Hall and Oates - You Make My Dreams
2. Wolfmother - Sundial
3. Placebo - Pure Morning
4. Portugal the Man - All My People
5. Def Leppard - Armageddon it
6. Bon Jovi - Livin' on a Prayer
7. Black Mountain - Old Fangs
8. The Blackout - Top of the World
9. Eddie Money - Take Me Home Tonight
10. Muse - Plug in Baby

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mario Kart got it right.

What's the deal with people driving down or up on ramps and going like 35 or 40 mph? Seriously, what's going through these idiots heads? "Oh, I'm about to merge onto the interstate with cars going 65 to 75 mph. I guess I should just pretend I'm in a school zone and go as slow as possible and maybe stop at the end and pretend I'm at a yield sign." As much as I want scientists to create teleportation, I think we should for now take a book out of mario kart. Install our cars with turtle shells and allow us to shoot these fuckers off the road. Even when you're having a good day, the moment you get behind these incompetent idiots your entire day just goes to shit over the reality of having to comprehend that this actually happening and realizing you're not stuck on some nightmare sitcom (Let's say Two and Half Men). If playing the Mario games has taught me anything it's that if any unnecessary obstacle is in your way then shoot it with a turtle shell (or fireball) and move on with your day and don't look back. If people get injured or worse? Well, fuck 'em. Shouldn't have provoked me to shoot a purple turtle shell of death at you by driving like a retarded monkey.

Does anyone else think it's weird to see a midget driving an F-150 XL?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Jukebox #1

A List of my Top Ten fav songs at the moment

1. Placebo - Running Up That Hill
2. Crime in Stereo - I Stateside
3. The Joy Formidable - While the Flies
4. Mclusky - The World Loves Us and Is Our Bitch
5. Foreign Born - That Old Sun
6. Young Galaxy - Wailing Wall
7. You Me at Six - Take Your Breathe Away
8. General Elektriks - Helicopter
9. Crystal Castles - Suffocation
10. Straylight Run - Hands in the Sky (Big Shot)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Who are the biggest douchebags again?

So today on my way to school I look in my rear view mirror and I see an asshole right on my bumper, so I have to start going the speed limit. It then occurs to me that I think that we as a society have lost touch with who, I guess, are the true douchebags of the world. I mean it's quite easy to loose sight of this with shows like Jersey Shore and Big Brother. Shows like these broadcast the type of douchebags that we all hate when we go to Buckhead or any trendy bar in the city (though those bars usually suck anyway). In the larger scheme of things though these people are but minor announces. All you need to do is go to another bar anyway. No the biggest douchebags of all are cops period. Think about it. They drive right up your ass (no gay jokes. grow up) forcing you to slow down to the speed limit (annoying). When they pull you over they always say the same thing, "Do you know why I pulled you over?", which is the equivalent of being at a bar and hearing "bro" every second. Then the conversation ends with them giving you their only meaningful thing in life, a ticket. Which is like their fist pump or cheesy attempt at reenacting the high five from Top Gun. Worst of all , they post up on the side of the road stalking people, much like the douche you see standing at bar not ordering and just taking up space and pissing off everyone who wants to order.

So there think about it.
It's all true or maybe I'm just pissed because I almost got pulled over and I just wanted to go get my final done with.
On a side note: If you never watched the show Chuck watch it. It's awesome.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

You Are What You Eat.

I can't stand to see fat obese chicks walk around in unflattering tight clothes (which are 99% of time to tight for them to be wearing to begin with) with a strut and attitude thinking their hot shit like a celebrity or something. I have to fight the urge to go buy a Big Mac and then proceed to throw it in their face. Even worse when they try to wear bikinis (shutter.....). Somethings aren't meant to be seen.....

Monday, September 13, 2010

Proof Reading

Always a good thing to learn. 

Be Afraid....

Does anyone else enjoying smiling and waiving at someone when they're honking and flicking you off when you cut them off? Even though when you got in their lane there was a car length and a half between you two?
Here's a cool drawing from Jeff Lemire's Sweet Tooth. Good Comic.