Quote of the Day

The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Jukebox #18 - Mix for a nice drive during a sunny day.

1. Freelance Whales - Hannah
2. Film School - Time to Listen
3. Iron & Wine - Tree by the River
4. Cut Copy - Take Me Over
5. Young the Giant - My Body
6. Yeasayer - Madder Red
7. School of Seven Bells - Camarilla
8. Ryan Adams &  The Cardinals - If I am a Stranger
9. Ra Ra Riot - Shadowcasting
10. Radiohead - I Might be Wrong
11. The Naked and Famous - Punching In a Dream
12. The Joy Formidable - Llaw = Wall
13. Cold War Kids - Royal Blue
14. The Decemberists - Rox in the Box
15. Bright Eyes - Shell Games
16. The Black Keys - The Only One
17. Metric - Help I'm Alive
18. Linkin Park - Robot Boy
19. Mumford & Sons - The Cave

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Movie Box #4 - Superman works on his bucket list....

Kind of a simplistic way of looking at Grant Morrison's amazing All Star Superman as a graphic novel and now as a movie, but it felt like a good title. Anyway, this post is about the new movie that was just released on Blu-ray/ DVD. The movie, like the graphic novel, is a showcase of why Superman has been the standard of what a superhero should be. It also showcases all the things that makes Superman and his world amazing. Combining all the different eras and interpretations of the characters and combining them all into a extremely entertaining and deeper more personal look at Superman than I think people are used to seeing in a Superman movie.
The movie opens up exactly like the graphic novel, telling the all familiar origin story. The only difference from the same old same old is that it's told in one minute in amazingly creative way (Take notes Zack Synder). As Superman races to save a group of scientists trying to take some flame samples from the sun, on Earth Lex Luthor has booby trapped the ship of scientists which caused Superman to intervene. By being this close to sun and absorbing that much solar radiation has overloaded Superman's cells. This ends up giving him new powers, but also overwhelming his cells which is slowly killing him. At this point Superman decides to keep this secret to the public and begins to start taking care of loose ends before he dies. That's the gist of the story. I'm not going to go into the rest of it as to not spoil anything for people who decide to watch this after reading this (here's hoping).
What makes this such a great movie is how this story really brings out the best qualities of why people have loved this character for so many years. Whether it's finally revealing his identity to Lois and then showing his love for her by making her birthday the best one she's ever had, finding a home for the bottle city of Kandor, or trying to find the good of Lex Luthor so he can finally show the world all the good he would have done if Superman wasn't around. Superman's always looking out for others and still trying to show best in all of us. There's also the personal moments that we see with him. When he meets his mother at Jonathon Kent's grave. That's actually my favorite scene in the movie. You can see the struggle Superman has with his face and words about telling his mother that he's dying. And with animation that's quite a feat.
Another highlight in the movie is Anthony LaPalagia's Lex Luthor. He captures everything that makes Lex an amazing and intriguing character. He captures all the narcissistic, ego driven and delusions of grandeur that we've all come to know from old Lex. Other than the DC animated movies, none of the live action movies have come close to capturing these characteristics of Lex. Much as I love Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor, from the animated series and the Superman/Batman movies, Anthony LaPalagia's performance is at the top of my favorites for Lex.
As an artists (I'm alright, I guess) and a fan of comics, the animation in this movie is phenomenal. How closely they come to capturing Frank Quietly's art is amazing. Really amazing. I can't recommend this movie enough to people. Whether you're a fan of Superman or if you just enjoy a good action/drama, do yourself a favor and get over your preconceive notions of what a animated movie is supposed to be like according to the mainstream (i.e. the completely closed minded and unimaginative) and gives this movie a try and experience a truly fantastic Superman movie. When was the last time, recently, you've heard that said about a Superman movie?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Do you really need to wear headphones while driving? Really?

What's with the insanity of wearing headphones while your driving? Seriously? Is there even a law for this? I mean there's already enough bad drivers in Atlanta and I don't really need for these idiots to have the added distraction of the music in there headphones. What's going to happen if an ambulance or police car is having there sirens on? Yeah they got the light show and everything, but there not that very visible during the day. So since you can't hear the siren that's going to cause even more problems on the road. Also, has anyone notice that the jerk offs that do this all have pretty new and nice, probably a little more expensive than most cars? They can afford their Iphone and their overpriced designer clothes, but they can't afford a $15 audio cord for there ipod or phone? You fucking kidding me? Sometimes I just want to wave these idiots over to side the of road and slap them in face and yell "Fail!" at them. This degree of failing is equivalent of outing yourself as a Jason Mraz fan. He's not creative or a good song writer and all his songs sound exactly the same. He's a hack, so stop living in denial and except the truth. Off topic but oh well. Such is life.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why Ron Swanson is the greatest character ever. EVER.

Ron Swanson. A true american with the greatest mustache to ever walk the face of the earth. Yeah, I'm saying it's better than Tom Selleck's. Don't agree? Than you're an idiot. And if you're response to that is to call me an idiot, then all I have to say to you is I know you are but what am I? Why is Ron Swanson awesome? Well for one he has created the Swanson Pyramid of Greatness.  The awe inspiring pyramid to reach greatness in your life. A better explanation for the pyramid would be How to live like a Swanson. I'll just share a few gems from this pyramid. Torso - Should be thick and impenetrable. Body Grooming - Only women shave beneath the neck. B.O. - Cultivating a manly musk puts your opponents on notice. There are more below. What makes Swanson awesome also is that he appreciates a good meal. Like his creation of Turf n' Turf. A meal consisting of a T Bone with a Porterhouse. Sounds delightful. Let's not forget the turkey leg with bacon wrapped around it, or as it's also called a Swanson. Greatest Combo Ever. Now let me get to Ron's mustache. Seriously, I wish I could grow a mustache that commanded that much respect. It's amazing. The fact that Ron thinks that the government should be privatized and follow a business model like Chuck E. Cheese is what? You're right. BRILLIANT! Along with the woodworking, his shop is legendary, he has an alter ego called Duke Silver. Yeah he's a jazz musician. Awesome. So bottom line everyone should strive to be a Swanson. I mean, why wouldn't you want to be?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Drunk Rant #1 - What I want to see before I die.....

is an epic Kung Fu, Martial Arts and yes, I know that they are the same thing, epic battle just happen randomly in front of my eyes in real life. Not in a movie or tv show, but actually happening in front of me! Think about this. How awesome would it be for you to come out of a restaurant or bar and instead of seeing a normal boring brawl between some overly muscle bound guys, but instead see a full blown epic martial arts battle! I'm talking the likes of Ip Man, when he fought like 20 guys and beat the shit out them. Now I don't want to see anyone get their arms or legs broken or worse a fatality (yeah, Mortal Kombat reference. What!), but I do want to see all the kung fu awesomeness happen before my eyes. It would literally be the most amazing thing I will ever see in my life! Right now. Anyway. It would.... I really don't think there are enough coherent thoughts that can convey how much I want to see this and how amazing it would be to actually see that happen live in front of me. On the street. In front of a crowd. Man, it would be amazing! The only thing that would make it better is if before the fight starts there's a guy dressed in old school hip hop wear with a boombox and when the fight finally starts the boombox starts playing Pendulum's The Island Parts 1 & 2. It would be magical.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Faux Hawks. Why?

Seriously, why? I don't understand why this hairstyle is so popular. First it looks ridiculous. It does. Think about it, the only outcome of this hairstyle is that you'll end up looking like a porcupine that dresses like a douche. Plus, I bet the geeks that have this hairstyle take longer to get ready than their girlfriends. What do they have to use, like, half a bottle of gel to get the style correctly? Second, if they're trying to look like David Beckman, then they need to grow up and get a life. Also, if you're over 35, I don't want to see this hairstyle on you. All you're doing is acting like that midlife crisis guy in Varsity Blues that Tweeter hits in the balls with the whiffle ball bat. You remember that scene? Hilarious. Anyway, do you want to be that guy? Really? No one wants to be that guy. Unless you're a punk rock kid in high school trying to show how you don't conform to societies rules, then there's no reason to have any type of hawk on your head. I wonder if the hairstylist laughs at them when they ask for that cut, you know? I would. I mean it's like asking for the old surfers haircut you had back in middle school, but you're asking for it in your 20's or 30's. You know, the haircut that you shaved the bottom of your head and your hair hangs over it or grows over it. Whatever. You know what I mean. The faux hawk is on the same level as the surfer haircut. Don't believe me? Trust me. Time will prove me right.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Jukebox #17 - Best Albums so far... and it's only February.

It's only been a month, but there have been some incredible albums to come out in 2011 so far. Here's the buy list.

The Get Up Kids - There are Rules
Cold War Kids - Mine is Yours
The Decemberists - The King is Dead
The Boxer Rebellion - The Cold Still
Young Galaxy - Shapeshifting
MEN - Talk About Body
The Go! Team - Rolling Blackouts
Iron & Wine - Kiss Each Other Clean
White Lies - Ritual
Penedulum - Immersion (Deluxe Version)
Joan as a Police Woman - The Deep Field
Talib Kweli - Gutter Rainbows
J. Pinder - Code Red 2.0
The Joy Formidable - The Big Roar
The Naked and Famous - Passive Me, Aggressive You
Yuck - Yuck (Believe me it's really good)