Quote of the Day

The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

So this is how Skynet takes over.... Smartphones.

So like the majority of the people of the world I have a smartphone. As much as I love my phone I can't help but notice they are making us dumber. One I look like a fucking zombie. I can sit in a room with people and the majority of the time I'm in that room we're all on our phones looking at stupid shit, majority of the time aren't emails or text messages. All sense of a normal social atmosphere has slowly started to die in our society. Plus since you can find everything on the internet on our phone apparently all knowledge and common sense goes out the window. I saw this one dumb ass looking for a light bulb. Instead of being intelligent and bringing said light bulb to the store with him he takes a picture of bulb still in the fixture and shows that picture trying to find the correct bulb. Then looks shocked that he should know what the wattage is. Had to hold back my rage and not punch this stupid jackass in the face. What's even better is when these idiots are talking to you, but can't take their eyes away from their
phone and be respectful and look you in the eye. Worst yet are the over 40 crowd who buy smart phones. It's bad enough that they get dumber as they get older, even though they still think they're always right and will argue with you till you get tired of arguing and let them win, but now they have smartphones! It's always sadly hilarious watching these people try to use their phone and fail miserable trying to figure out technology. And don't get me started on the text messaging! I'm guilty of it also, but at least I try to fix the problem by trying to improve my grammar in the messages and make it convey that I'm educated and not coasting on a GED or a high school drop out. This generations of teenagers are going to turn out to be the dumbest, laziest, and just all around shit people will ever see. If whatever percentage of you think that were fucked as country with the Obama administration, then just imagine how bad it will be when these fuckers grow up and join the real world. *shudder*

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