Quote of the Day

The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Guys and short shorts, and how it's all Magnum P.I.'s fault.....

So yeah. I don't get this whole guys wearing short shorts thing. I would blame Wham!, but they had more of a female audience (I guess that includes gay guys) than a male audience. No, there's one man to blame for this and his name is Magnum P.I. I know, I know the show ran in the 80's, but come on! Who hasn't watched this show?! I mean the main thing that should be taken away from this show is of course the magnificent mustache. I'm pretty sure Mags' stache was hand crafted by Leonardo and blessed by Odin himself. It saddens me that the other thing taken from this show was Magnum's unfortunate choice of wearing short shorts. I'm sorry Magnum P.I. is supposed to be a bad ass, and bad asses don't wear short shorts. I give Magnum the benefit of the doubt since it was the 80's, which had better music than fashion. Today though,  we are in the year 2011. The 21st Century. A time where the only acceptable length is 2 or 3 inches above the knee, and maybe long enough to cover up the knee a little or completely, but no longer. The weird guys who wear shorts that are really long to the point that they look like their wearing capris falls into the unacceptable category. Magnum P.I.'s success in the 80's affected the male audience who watched judgements into wearing short shorts that has clearly carried onto their children and whatever fraternity they were a part of. You see douchebags in Buckhead and some parts downtown wearing their short khaki shorts (and visors, which is a rant for another day) looking like they're going to a Revenge of the Nerds Tribute Costume party celebrating the douchebagness of the Alpha Betas. As bad as those idiots are though, nothing compares to the most offensive perpetrators. We all know these type of assholes. The dreaded Guy who likes to run who wears extremely unnecessary short shorts. You know, the shorts that only hot chicks who go jogging should wear. Why do these idiots wear these? And they wear them at the pool! Where children go to swim! It's terrible and they always make you uncomfortable. Plus if one of them decides to talk to you, there's the risk of them being close talkers (shudder). It's unfortunate that a great show from the 80's like Magnum P.I. ends up having something as awful as the guys wearing short shorts trends connected to it. I think if Magnum could do it all over again I think he would rethink his wardrobe choice. I mean jeans go well with hawaiian shirts right?