Quote of the Day

The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nerd Alert #11 - The movies are popular for a reason..... Jump on board if you dare...

Grant Morrison's Batman Run (plus other books that add to the story)
Taking cues from the Nolanverse of Batman movies and the out there concepts of the sci-fi era of Batman books, Morrison has weaved an epic (that concludes at the end of 2012) that has reinvigorated and made the Batman line of books the most interesting and original they've been since the No Man's Land era from way back in '99. From a character study of Bruce Wayne and the Joker (who is at his best in this run), to expanding on the history of the Wayne family and Gotham itself, to taking a character, Damian Wayne, who everyone hated to becoming one of the most unique and interesting Robin's ever, and finally, adding more and showcasing how awesome Dick Grayson and Tim Drake are. Also not to forget the fantastic new status quo with the creation of Batman Inc. Batmen in every country and all the new interesting characters that have come out of this. It's true the first half of the story is kinda confusing at first, with the inclusion of Final Crisis, but that's part of the fun of the whole story. It makes you think and really invest in the story and being rewarded with the outcome. So if your looking for a original and fun Batman experience than check out these books.

Batman and Son, Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul, The Black Glove, Batman R.I.P., Final Crisis, Batman & Robin: Batman Reborn, Red Robin: The Grail, Red Robin: Collision, Batman & Robin: Batman vs Robin, Time and the Batman, Return of Bruce Wayne, Batman & Robin: Batman & Robin Must Die, Batman Inc. Vol. 1, Batman Inc: Demon Star, Batman: Gotham's Most Wanted

Pride of Baghdad and Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughn, Niko Henrichon and Pia Guerra 
Pride of Baghdad is the story of a Pride of lions that escaped the Baghdad Zoo during the American bombing raid in 2003. This story is mainly about survival and the desire to be free, also using the interactions between the different animals as a metaphor for the political nuances that happen in the modern world. The book does a great job of establishing these lions' character and make you care about what happens to these lions. If you know the news story of what happened to these lions then you already know the end, but the journey that gets you to that end point is what makes this an incredible read. Also, make sure you take time to appreciate the amazing artwork by Niko Henrichon. His artwork is absolutely beautiful. Highly recommended.
Y: The Last Man is one of the true classics to come from DC Comics' Vertigo line. It's takes the last man on earth concept and makes it into a globetrotting mystery of trying to figure out how all the men died. Also it's an interesting study of how the world would be like if there was only women in the world. Starting with the shock and trying to adjust to the chaos that has just been put on their doorsteps and how they begin to make steps of trying to bring peace and order to this new world. All the while Yorick, Agent 355, and Dr. Mann (the main characters) try to find out the reason the men died and how they can possibly clone Yorick so humanity can continue to live on. The series is completely heartwarming, hilarious, action packed, and engaging that keeps you wanting more as you read the collected books. Also, around the third hardback collection, I realized that Yorick and I are close to being the same person, with the humor, pop culture references, and overall personality. Except all the escape artists stuff. Do yourself a favor and read this series. If it doesn't make you a fan of graphic novels and show you how amazing a medium this is then there is something seriously wrong with you.

Paperbacks - 10 Volumes Hardbacks - 5 Volumes 

Sleeper by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips

Sleeper is an amazing crime noir/espionage book that follows the character Holden Carver as he's gone undercover in a supervillain terrorists group run by Tao. As it gets deeper and deeper into the organization he sees him get more conflicted and questioning his morals as he begins to question his loyalty to the government he works for and even Tao himself. It has ties to other comic series in the Wildstorm universe (that's now defunct and mixed into the DC line of superheroes), but you really don't need to know about any of those to enjoy the book. The book does a great job of immersing you into this world and it's characters and takes you on a journey that has twist and turns you don't see coming and keep you coming back for more. Highly recommended.

Paperbacks - Sleeper Season One and Sleeper Season Two

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