Quote of the Day

The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Vents and Ramblings Reborn!!!

Yeah so it's been since Feb. 26th since my last rant or post (whatever). A lot has gone on since that point. Like my realization that lesbians love soccer. Yeah, I thought they just liked basketball, color me surprised. Plus they are still keeping that idiotic faux hawk look relevant and the whole no shaving their pits thing. They must really like that Dawson's Creek song. Another thing I learned, is that apparently women like to role play rape! Yeah, didn't see that coming. To be fair I heard this from a guy who only had one woman he did this with, so me thinks that this lady was just fucking weird. I mean I'm sure there are plenty of women out there that like rough sex, but I doubt there are women who would want to role play that. But, the world is a messed up and weird place so who knows right? I mean people like fucking animals, so anythings possible. I started my Graphic Design classes and been doing some photoshop pieces (I might post some of this later), so yeah, this my attempt of being an artists, if I would call myself that. Also, I think depending on how next summer goes, the superhero movie might be on it's last legs. I mean, other than Captain America (which hasn't come out yet), X-Men: First Class, Green Lantern (despite you negative nancies thinking it was bad), and Thor were fun and enjoyable movies in my opinion. Thor was a GREAT movie despite someone I know, who has apparently lost their mind and thought that it sucked, continued the Avengers momentum, but all three of those movies didn't, money wise, do all that spectacular. I mean Transformers 3 did better than all three of the superhero movies, and that was coming off a horrendous sequel. Dark Knight Rises, Man of Steel and Amazing Spider-man are pretty much givens to do well at the box office and draw attention to the genre, but these three characters will always have a draw from mainstream non comic fan audiences. Which means they don't need a Superhero genre. The Avengers is probably the most important superhero movie ever to be released. It's taking a concept that only geeks truly appreciate, which is the teaming up of their favorite heroes into one book, in this case a movie, and putting them in an all out epic adventure. This movie is either going to amazing or completely suck. There is no in between or gray area. This is one of the hardest concepts to translate to movies or live action TV, what makes this difficult is that it's hard to pull this off and not make it corny. Thankfully most of the current superhero movies aren't following the model of the original Spider-man trilogy, cuz if it did it would be incredibly corny. Some great special effects and action sequences to be sure, but have you really sat down and watched the original movies. Those films have some of the corniest lines, jokes and b movie quality shots (also they don't capture the fun that Spider-man brings). So, Avengers more important for the genre than Dark Knight Rises. You heard it hear first. Also if I don't get an NFL season this year rage will be unleashed.  Stayed tuned for my next rant, whenever that will be, will focus on how Hollywood keeps ruining my childhood by making shitty movies of my favorite saturday morning cartoons. I.E. The Smurfs, Garfield and Alvin and the Chipmunks.

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